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D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G630 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.D)

D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G630 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.D)

D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G630 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.D) Publisher's Description

D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G630 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.D): The D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G630 Cardbus Adapter is a wireless cardbus featuring the very latest in advanced wireless silicon chip technology including enhanced security to shield and protect your wireless communication from intruders. The DWL-G630 also works with 802.11b standard wireless devices and when used with other D-Link AirPlus G products delivers a maximum wireless signal rate up to 54Mbps, meaning it is capable of handling heavy data payloads. Like all D-Link wireless adapters, the DWL-G630 can be used in ad-hoc mode to connect directly with other cards for peer-to-peer file sharing or in infrastructure mode to connect with a wireless access point or router for access to the Internet in your office or home network. Maximum wireless signal rate based on IEEE Standard 802.11g specifications. Actual data throughput will vary. Network conditions and environmental factors, including volume of network traffic, building materials and construction, and network overhead, lower actual data throughput rate.

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